Monday, July 05, 2010

Double F's - Fishes and Fruits

My house is turning into a fish and fruit sanctuary, I think. Don't believe? Well, let my pictures tell you the story.

Fighting fish. Not a very good picture. But if you see them in reality, you'll notice how beautiful they are. Oh yeah. They are all bred by my dad.

Fighting fish breeding tank. There are easily hundreds of them in this tank.

The one tank which is in the house. Zebra fish, more fighting fish and angel fish.

Top view of the aquarium.

My daddy's baby angel fish! They are so cute!

It's them again.

Them again, swimming in their tank.

Tiny mango tree but already growing fruits.

In the backyard, this huge banana is growing.

In the house, there are some more bananas, from another tree. And pineapple and cempedak.

What did I told you eh? And that is not all. We also have a papaya tree and so many other fishes!


CRABp said...

Macam pasar lah~ LOL!Pisang satu sikat berapa??

Matthew said...

Satu sikat dua pulu linggit amoi!! Mau beli? Lol!!

Natalia said...

Lol! Funny la, you guys.
Matt - You think our bananas are from overseas, planted in golden soil ar?
Darling - Saw the cute baby angel fish???

CRABp said...

Wah, mahal lah! Tak mau. I pergi Jusco beli cukuplah...

Nat Darling- They don't look cute here. =(

CRABp said...

Matt- Wah! Mahal giler lah. Tak mau beli...I go pasar or Jusco better. =P

Darling- Saw~~ But don't look cute there leh... XD

Natalia said...

I think you'll have to see them in the tank yourself. I can't seem to get a good picture of them.