Sunday, November 23, 2008

The Toy Truck

So far, today has been a really boring day. But it did managed to knock up a few surprises also. Lol. Anyway, as I was cleaning my room yesterday, I stumbled upon some of the essays I wrote in Form 5 and thought I post one of it here. My teacher enjoyed it and so did Sara. So maybe it does deserves a place here. Lol.

" I had practised saying it a thousand times. But when the moment came, I just couldn't open my mouth. My jaws were just shut tight like they were locked. There he was standing right in front of me and yet I couldn't bring myself to say it.

Deep inside me, I really wanted to tell him how sorry I was but on the outside, I found it hard to swallow my pride. Mum had always told me that I have issues with my ego and pride anyway. However, this time, I just knew I have to apologise but I was just too big headed to admit that I was wrong and guilty. So as I stood in front of him, I pondered over my actions that led to this situation.

" "Yeah right! Big deal! It is just a silly toy truck. Why cry over it for? Just keep quiet and leave my room!" I yelled at him as he was crying with a red nose.

He was my little brother and for some reason, I dislike hm a lot. Maybe it was because he always disturbs and teases my vampire like teeth I used to have before getting them straight with a set of braces.

"Rach!" I heard my dad shouted and quickly rushed downstairs to meet him.

"Yes, dad," I replied politely even though I was still furious with my brother and knew why my dad had called me. Surely by now, he had broke the story to my dad.

"So you broke your brother's truck? Why did you? You know how much he likes it," my dad told me as patiently as he could.

"I know he does. But it is just a TOY truck. Not a real one. Besides he has many toy trucks. More than he can ever play with at a time," I snapped back while thinking to myself the reason why Matt has to complain everything I do wrong against him. As I was thinking, his sobs got louder and I got more mad.

"Oh, will you just stop already?! It was just a truck. I'll just go out and get you the exact same one okay? Just stop crying for heaven's sake!" I yelled before dad cut me.

"You keep quiet. And go to your room. How can you ever replace that truck? That was your mother's very last toy to him. You are grounded and I don't want to hear another word from you," said dad.

And that was when it hit me. It hit me real hard. How could I forget that the truck has sentimental values to my brother? How could I have forgotten that it was mummy's last toy to him?"

"Rach? Rachel, can you hear me?" my brother took me back to reality.

"Are you alright? You have tears in your eyes," he added.

"Matt, I am really sorry. I am just very sorry for breaking your toy. I was just so mad with you for messing up my room. But I am very sorry," I finally said it before I broke in tears as I thought how evil I was to my only brother.

My brother, on the other hand, just stood there while his hand ran through his pockets A minute later, he took out a packet of tissue and offered them to me.

"It is alright. The truck is beginning to rust anyway. And I am also sorry. I should not have mess up your room. And I also sorry for getting you grounded again," he said.

I looked at him and his innocent looks. How could I have dislike him so much?

"I have got to go now. Derek is waiting for me at the playgroud and I am getting late. I'll see you tonight," he added before leaving.

"Wait!" I snapped back immediately.

I then rushed to him and hugged him. I never knew that it would take me 17 years and a broken toy truck to realise how nice my brother was to me and that I actually love him."

Well, that is it. It is pretty short but SPM doesn't require long essays anyway. Scored an 'execellent' and 45/50 for that. Lol. One of my all time favourite stories that I have wrote. Lol.

Anyway, last night, Arsenal slumped to yet another defeat. But it was ok as Manchester United, Chelsea and Liverpool all drew. Lol. So only one point loss. Lol.

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