Wednesday, November 12, 2008


I know it is only 11.19a.m. when I wrote this. So how can a day be so rotten already right? The fact is that today's paper SUCKED!! It was just tough. It was Principles of Management and the lecturer did gave us hints for it. He said to only study topics he gave to us and guess what?! More than half tested weren't in his hints!! Damn lecturer. First, throughout the whole semester, he missed and cancelled a few classes (the very first class of his was even cancelled!!) and he lectures badly (he only reads the slides which he already gave us like a train in his class). And now this. He better not be teaching us again next semester. And well, this teaches me to not trust everything the lecturer says. Or just a lecturer like him 'cause so far all the other lecturers kept their word. Everything was just as they told us to study. Just today, it went differently. But anyway, after today, it is down to just 2 more papers and I am done.

On a positive note, Arsenal's youngers won again last night in the Carling's Cup match against Wigan. Jay Simpson made his debut and scored twice while Carlos Vela sealed the victory. So I should say that the future looks bright for Arsenal. And for Professor Dr Tajudin, Manchester United also won. 1-0 against Queen's Park Rangers (QPR). And here are some photos from yesterday's match.

Simpson celebrating his first goal

Second goal of the match for Simpson

Vela and the young Gunners celebrating the third goal of the match

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