Tuesday, November 25, 2008

My Life in UTM So Far (Part 2)

So I will start where I left off in the first part (posted in the month of October).

From the futsal tournament, I came to know a whole new group of friends. And they are really helpful ones. Helped me in some of my assignments. Especially Noormi. So thanks to her. And here are just some photos from the tournament. They ain't that good though. Lol.

A group photo featuring most of the players

From left: Shah, Noormi, Ejam and the futsal manager, Noorain

From left: Goalkeeper, Haliza and Ejam again

Moving on, classes are cool. Well, not all. I took 6 subjects. They are:

a) Introduction to Psychology
A very interesting subject. Learnt about Freud (stupid to me), both classical conditioning by Ivan Pavlov and operant conditioning by B. F. Skinner, memory, personality and many other cool topics. Taught by a fantastic lecturer also. Professor Dr Mohd Tajudin bin Haji Ninggal. We even had an activity in this class. The 'Chinese Whispers'. It turned out fun but my group got it really wrong. The given message was in English and somehow in the end, it turned to BM! Lol. And somehow in the middle of the semester, I kinda caught his attention with my work (I even scored a 9.5/10 in a particular individual assignment!!) and that is when I was practically called during every lessons. 'Grace' that's what he calls me. Lol. Anyway, it is cool and what made him even more favourable to me was when he made me his research assistant. Awesome huh? Started 'working' a few days ago. I get paid too. Lol. As a token. Anyway, his research will be on a personality test thingy he has developed on (will go into in more detail in a different post).

b) Islamic and Asian Civilisation (TITAS)
This is one hell of a boring class. And the lecturer is a biased one. Madam Masnah binti Ali. She prefers teaching the Malays than us, Chinese. It is obvious when she only talks to them and leaves us out. But nonetheless, I doubt that even if she did pay attention to us, it wouldn't have made this subject any more interesting. And this is also the subject that I skipped twice. Once due to the futsal tournament and another time was because I sprained my ankle. I guess I have nothing else to say about this subject. Lol.

c) Innovation and Creativity
A pretty fun class. Taught by a sort of interesting lecturer, Mr Zulkifli Khair. He is not attach to the university actually. He is more of a speaker and an author. But he taught well (if you discount him from his either really confusing or really simple notes!). But we had activities in this class. We had one on making aeroplanes. 2 of that activity actually. Another was done by using newspaper and marble. The purpose was to make a runway using the newspaper and to make the marble descend it really slow. Some did awesome tracks but failed during the official attempt. My group made a really lame runway but guess what? We won. Lol. Also won a box of chocolate when we were the fastest to solve a challenge.

d) Introduction to Counseling
Bloody hell of a cold class. Every Friday, I freeze in this class. Lol. But for real. And everyone complains about it. But our lecturer, Dr Haji Hamdan bin Haji Abdul Kadir, loves the coldness and asked us to fatten up if we ought to stand it. Damn. This class also made me sick of the song 'Patience' by Take That. It is always played in his slides. I can certainly remember hearing in for about 10 times in one particular lesson! Lol. And his assignment was one of the toughest and carried 50%! Damn. But overall, it was an okay class and the lecturer, well, lets say, he always asks us to pray to God and loves to dance in class. Lol. Oh yeah! We also had a Raya celebration in this class. Here are some pictures from the celebration. Some are really funny ones. Lol!

A class photo

The "Two Towers". The one in between is Nisa aka 'Kecik'

Our only foreign student in class, Zeynep Kaya

Desperate fot the love letters?

These 2 look happy to share

2 gays in action. Jonathan was pretty shy but Ming Wai was cool

Sharing again..

Roommate and Siau Hui

e) Principles of Management
Mr Mokhtar bin Aziz. Hmm.. He is really boring. If you asked me, we didn't even have to attend his classes. All he does is read the slides, which we could have accomplished ourselves! Lol. This is also the only class whereby we are joined by some Human Resource students. So this class has many foreign students. Mostly are imported form China. Lol.

f) Social Psychology
Where do I start on this subject? Perhaps the best place is my lecturer's English. He is Professor Dr Ishak bin Mad Shah. His style of teaching is using the slides. What he does is explains them. And guess what? He is lousy at it! The slides are in English and he always gets it wrong. Sometimes, the slides are explaining 'A' and he talks about 'D'. Metaphore speaking. Lol. But it is just that bad. But overall, he is nice and I was once called in this class as I was too noisy. Lol. Was practically falling asleep in the class and sat beside Ma Lee. So ended up talking. Lol. Halfway through the semester, this class also came to known as 'texting class'. Well, just between me and Crabp at least.

So there. All 6 subjects I took explained detail enough.

In the middle of the semester, we also had our Faculty Night. That night coast me RM50! But at the end of it, it was cool. Our class also did a drama and I think we got second place if I am not wrong. Jonathan acted as a princess in the drama. A princess with really ugly hair. Green, purple, blue and pink strings made his hair. Lol. It took hours to make it though. Anyway, here are some photos from the night. Just 2 in fact. Lol.

The gang. From left (top): Aunty Ling, Ma Lee, Me, roommate, DIFFERENT block and Sampat
From left (bottom): Ah Ma, May Peng, Crabp, Soo Chen and Siew Fen

The prop makers

So that was kind of the highlight of the semester, I think. And I think with that, I have practically covered my whole semester. So that's a wrap!


Anonymous said...

Cool post. Didn't thought you have so many gay partners in your class though. Lol.

zulkifli khair said...

Thanks for the remarks. Miss you, as well as 'budak2 psiko'. All the best Natalia for your future!