Thursday, April 29, 2010

What I Think The Dinosaurs Are Up To Usually During The Holidays

The title pretty much tells you what this whole post is about. So there is absolutely no point of me repeating the same here unless you are one of those silly fellas who do not read the title of an article before you proceed to the content (I know a few people who are like that). Anyway, lets for a second think you have brains in that skull of yours. =p

So first and foremost, Little Foot (me that is). Little Foot spends more her time, sleeping. She is really like a pig on school breaks. I must say that school breaks are like hibernation time for Little Foot. And there is online too. So I think it is pretty much sleep and online. More of the first. Lol. Right! She also watches illegally downloaded series on her laptop.

Hmm.. Little Foot sounds really boring. Get a life already, Little Foot! Lol.

Next is Ducky. Ducky visited Little Foot yesterday (it wasn't visiting per se but hack. Saves my time in telling a long story). Both and Ducky's family went to the new Jusco shopping mall in town. They had fun. =) Anyway, Ducky's holiday is probably spent doing pretty much nothing as well. She would love worrying and being overly kepoh though perhaps. Lol. Just kidding. I guess online is the thing she does most.

Yet another boring dinosaur.

Third is Cera. Hmm.. Like Little Foot, Cera is also a 'pirate'. She downloads illegally and watches the shows. She also probably spends her time helping her mother and brother here and there with his arts stuffs. She doesn't hibernates but she spends a lot of her time online for sure. Her only way of communicating to GDW (besides using the underfed and under-cared-for owls). What else eh? Busy manja-ing. Busy being manja-ed. Lol. And she 'bangs' keyboard (that tells you how well she "plays" right? Lol! Just kidding. She plays ok. She just likes saying she 'bangs' instead of 'plays' the keyboard which makes it sounds all wrong). Oh yeah! Texting Little Foot. Lol. So that is another thing Little Foot does too. Lol. And I guess that is it for Cera. Wait! Wait! Cera maids at home also. Lol!

Moving on is Chomper. This dinosaur gets really busy when she returns home to her 'jungle' in Sibu. It is a jungle there because there is absolutely no internet connection there. And DiGi pretty much hates that place too. The 'yellow man' probably doesn't visit there very much. Anyway, Chomper gets really busy during school breaks. She hangs out in her 'princess's' sundry shop a lot (getting free Coca-Cola there probably) and she goes on countless of dates. With her high school friends. And she gets pampered by her mother's cooking also. No vegetables. Nothing spicy. Just CHICKEN and CHICKEN EGGS. Lol. Oh yeah. She probably spends time helping her father with the ferry business. Hmm.. How about Tong Moo Lu eh? Haha. That's just a joke (which not many would get but lets just leave it that way).

Hmm.. For a change, this dinosaur seemed to have more fun.

Next is Spike. Hmm.. This one probably spends a lot of her time helping out her family at their sundry shop. Selling and eating anchovies. Lol. Yup! The dinosaur eats raw anchovies. She probably spend a little time playing her piano as well. She doesn't gets online at all though. Like Chomper. She probably visits her grandmother also. And I don't know what else Spike does. Eat leaves perhaps. Lol.

Lastly, Petrie. This one is the easiest. Petrie spends her whole holiday glued to the television set. You don't see her online and it is almost impossible to reach her on her cell phone. Because she eats and sleeps TV. One TV program after another. And surprise, surprise, she DOES NOT have Astro (thank God). So I really have no idea what Petrie watches. Yet, she is one hack of a TV slave. She even eats in front of the TV perhaps. So that is Petrie. 24/7 with her TV shows.

And that is perhaps how I think the dinosaurs kill their time when they are all back home. All in all, Little Foot is perhaps the laziest of them all and Spike and Cera are the most helpful ones. Ducky, Idk what to say. Chomper's terribly busy and Petrie's just another TV addict.

Hmm.. Little Foot's done with this now. Perhaps she should sleep again soon. Lol!


CRABp said...

Ahha~ ME FIRST TO COMMENT!!! LOl!!! Hey, what do you mean by underfed and under-cared-for owls huh??? I fed you guys peanuts and occasionally, WORMS! And there's cheese too!!! =( Peanut forget skin owls... =P Ah, I like the manja-ing and being manja-ed part! XD

Nice post by the way! =D

GDW said...


Natalia said...

Miko - So happy to be the first huh? Lol. Congratulations, I suppose? Hmm.. Underfed because my parents think I am losing weight. Under-cared-for because owls get bullied sometimes. Lol. Plus, you feed but GDW is terribly kedekut. He NEVER feeds. And I know you would like all the manja part. You're cuckoo nuts already. And thanks. I know it is a nice post. =p

GDW - Thanks, you no good owl master.

CRABp said...

Underfed huh? I'll be very happy to FEED you. Don't worry!! *evil grins* GDW kedekut, then I tell him to feed you all also lo~~

Natalia said...

NO NO! No need to feed. This owl likes being underfed. GDW memang kedekut. Tak pernah feed any owls.

Mandykins said...

Manja?? :)

Natalia said...

That is pamper in Malay language. The local language here. =)