Friday, April 02, 2010

Malaysian F1 Circuit, Sepang

You know how every curve of an F1 circuit has a name? If you don't, then let me tell you that they do indeed! Not all but mostly at least. Lol. Anyway, for Sepang Circuit, the names are depicted in the photo below.

I don't know about you, readers but I find it truly lame! And if you don't believe me, go check out the other circuits (I have an example below). Their curves are named after great drivers, car manufactures, etc. Unlike ours. Geez. Get creative already!!!

Australian circuit - Most of the curves are named after Formula One greats.

BUT don't go asking me if I know what it takes to name the curves alright? License for permission to use names, etc. Because I DON'T KNOW. And I am MERELY STATING MY OPINION here. =)


Matthew said...

Yea. Good post sis. Lame name. Should name their curve better like you said.

Natalia said...

Yup yup! Even you agree huh? Silly names like Langkawi, Pangkor and Berjaya. Lamy lamy lame! Lol. What cartoon was that from again? Lol. And Australian's much better. Spain's cool too. Mostly are car manufacturers' names. Malaysian's... -SIGH!!!- Love you, mamapo! =)

Matthew said...

Yea. Simply Lamy lamy lame. Haha!! it's from Kim Possible if I am not mistaken. Car names sounds interesting. Love you too Nanapo.

Natalia said...

Oh yeah! It was Shego who said it. I think Dr Draken was naming one of his inventions or was creating one. Lol. Yeah. Car names. Not these sucky names. Love you too too? Lol! HAPPY EASTER!!!

Matthew said...

Yea. Shego was the one. Didn't wanna spell her name just now. Wasn't really sure about the spelling. LoL!!