Tuesday, December 08, 2009


Look at the image below and I will tell you why I am so confused and clueless.

If you don't know what this is, it's fried rice. That's cooked rice fried with lots of garlic, pork bacon, shreds of chicken meat, anchovies and cabbage. The result is like the above picture.

Ok. Now I shall get to the part about me being clueless.

The above plate of fried rice is done by my brother. He is SIXTEEN years old. Just SIXTEEN. So what I don't get is this.

The above plate of fried rice is SO SUPER YUMMY that I needed more (but no heart to steal his). Lol.

So if a SIXTEEN year old can cook up a delicious simple plate of fried rice, why can't the oldies back in school?

And look. No 'chao ta' (dinosaurs, I don't know how to spell pinyin). It means no burn stuffs.

Even that, the oldies back in school can't seem to manage. And they call themselves hawkers. LOL!!!


CRABp said...

you and your brother can buka restaurant already.

Natalia said...

Yeah.. Lol