I was browsing the net yesterday and stumble upon some pictures on Yahoo! (they always have good ones on celebrities). And they had 2 pictures that caught my attention and I knew I had to blog about it somehow. Lol!
Earlier this week, this year's American Idol LOSING finalist (LOL!) told Rolling Stone magazine that he is indeed gay. Suprise? Nah!! I believe he has been protraying himself as one all along. And a friend of mine (who is a guy) did say he totally looks like one. And I couldn't agree more especially since I saw him in this.
This is what I call the BEAST. Excuse me for my good/poor taste in fashion. But this definately sucks. The make up, the hair and the HIDEOUS pants. GOSH!! And he has announced that he is gonna come up with an album soon. That is one album you will not see on my racks. I have heard him during the competition and I must say that I am sick of his screaming voice and theaterical face. Get a life! Lol!
Next is the CUTE FELLOW and he is of course the WINNER of this year's American Idol. Seen here, he is dressed in just jeans and t-shirt (he sang the national anthem at the NBA Finals which saw LA Lakers clinching their 15th title). And guess what? He looks SO MUCH BETTER.
I still think Adam's cool. =P HAHAH!
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