Saturday, February 21, 2009

Another Birthday


It is my good friend's birthday today and it will be the first time since the past 3 years that I would not be going out to celebrate her birthday with her. But nonetheless, I wish her all the very best in life. Old already huh, Sara. Big old TWENTY-ONE. Lol. Don't time fly. I still remember knowing her for the first time way back when I was 13 and in a matter of 6 months, I too wil be 21 already. -Sigh- But it is just a number. So once again, to Sara, happy birthday and I wish you all the very best. Take care and God bless. I miss you very much, by the way! Lol


Anonymous said...

thanks natalia for the birthday wish.
i can't believe that we are all growing older so fast.
it's been our tradition to celebrate birthdays together.
i miss you too & take care

Natalia said...

You are most welcome. Yeah. Sadly, we are. And yes, it has! Well, I will be back during my birthday and maybe we could celebrate me getting old. Lol. You take care as well.