Sunday, February 08, 2009

The Next Time You Bathe, Think About It..

Disclaimer: This post is intended to everyone who comes across my blog. Not just UTM students.

I wonder if anyone could tell me why do people need to leave the shower on while they are washing their hair?

I was just bathing and I was accompanied by 2 others (in different cubicles - don't get me wrong). And while I was washing my hair, I turned off the shower like I usually do. Thanks to daddy and mummy who never fail to teach me a thing or 2 in conserving water. Anyway, while I was doing so, I could hear that the other 2 were also doing the same. And I can't help but to notice that their shower were still turned on. What is the need in leaving the water running? I don't see why one has to leave the water to waste. For ain't that bad. They wash their hair really fast. But takes us minutes long and sometimes we even do it twice and to top it up, we even condition our hair. So imagine how much water go to waste while one washes one's hair with the shower left running.

Pure wastage!

Fellow bathe'rs': Educate yourselves!

I know that water covers 71% of the Earth's surface. However, 97.5% of the Earth's water is salted. That leaves just 2.5% as fresh water of which over two thirds is frozen in glaciers and polar ice caps. The remaining unfrozen freshwater is mainly found as groundwater, with only a small fraction present above ground or in the air. And although fresh water is a renewable resource, the world's supply of clean and fresh water is steadily decreasing. Today, water demand already exceeds supply in many parts of the world and as world population continues to rise at an unprecedented rate, many more areas are expected to experience this imbalance in the near future.

Here in Malaysia, we still have a good amount of clean water. So should we be wasting it? I know many other countries who would love to have the amount of clean and fresh water that we possess here.

And here in Malaysia, we might not be feeling the effects of water shortage yet but the generations to follow might. So one question remains:

"Should our sloppy behaviour deprieve them of clean and fresh water?"

And to UTM students, don't tell me the reason you leave the water running is because your parents don't have to pay for it or because everything you use here are already paid for and you just wanna make full use of your money. It ain't about the money. It is about conserving precious water.

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