Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Oops! I Did It Again!

Lol! It is nothing big actually. Just that I cooked awesome-ness again today! Lol. It's spaghetti and it is yummy and delicious and terrific and whatever nice things there is to say about it. Haha. I should seriously consider making business out of it. Lol. Anyway, it ain't hard to cook this up. So it makes me wonder. How do some people screw up spaghetti? -Sigh-

And for some reason, I always manage to prepare THWEE plates of it. Lol!

And 'darling', as promised, if we end up going back on the same day, I will prepare it for you.


CRABp said...

i'll be waiting for ur pasta!!!!

jo-n said...

wow gal... u cook!!!

Natalia said...

Miko - Sure. But you have to come back the same day as I do. =)

Jo-n - Suprised are you? I have been cooking for a few years now! Lol. You should really come back to Melaka and we should catch up. =)