CNY is the time to condone into child labour. Lol. Seen here is my beloved brother, Matt and cousin, Brinda. They were 'de-shelling' gingko.
MORE and MORE oranges are making their way to my house.
CNY = fatty time. Here are meat floss and 'bak kua'.
And now I'll show you the procedure in making 'kuih bahulu' or 'chicken eggs cake or 'kuoy neng kueh'
Firstly, this is the mixture of chicken eggs and sugar. Beat them for hours and this is the result.
Then bake them here. This is the traditional way. Burn them with charcoal.
And you get this! There are shapes of fish, rooster. prawn, CRAB, etc.
My family did this much. It was like they were preparing for a war.
And now some pictures of the decorations in my grandma's house.
CRAB!!!!!! ...damn I'm popular...
Yeah. Yeah. You are. And we can all eat you. Lol
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