Sunday, January 25, 2009

Family Reunion Dinner

As usual, every year, my whole family will gather at my grandma's house for a reunion dinner. The food is delicious but nothing more could be said on them as they are practically the same food I had last year and the years before. Lol. But it was good in the sense that I did not have to eat any pork! Anyway, below are just some pictures of the food I had.

Yee Sang. Japanese yee sang. From Sushi King. Courtesy of my aunt.

All of us tossing the yee sang. Made a lot of mess with it.

The food. An overview of it.

My grandmother's specialty. Meat roll. YUMMY!!

Blur picture. But it is obscene animal - chicken.

Me no like. Fatty pork! My dad's favourite although he ain't suppose to take them.

All the greedy people around the table. From 12 o'clock clockwise Aunt Jenny, Uncle Verra (he is the editor of The Star. He writes a column every Thursday), Vinod, Uncle Bob, Matt, Aunt Kemmy (thanks for the yee sang), amah, beloved daddy and Uncle Denny.

That's a wrap.

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