Tuesday, January 13, 2009

I Am Mistaken, Mr Sigmund Freud

Today has been a really productive day for me. It was tiring as I had 4 classes today. Well, supposely 5 but I guess my bloody English teacher is dying or so as she cancelled our fifth class in a row. That's 10 hours gone and if she is gonna replace them, -sigh-. I haven't even met her til today. She'd better be dying or has a good reason behind all these cancelled classes.

Anyway, back to my productive day, I learnt a lot today.

Firstly, I would like to apologise to the late Sigmund Freud for cursing him last year on his theories. After really putting my heart and mind into reading and studying his theories in today's Psychology of Personality class, I realised that his theories weren't that bad and wrong after all. But I am still not a Freudian. Anyway, I kinda studied the 'Id', 'Ego' and 'Superego' pretty detailed and it has made me think and relate them to my own life and I think they do make some sense after all.

And he did not get his theories on psychosexual that wrong anyway. I remember my mum telling me that I stopped wetting my bed by the time I was 15 months. Shows basically how well-trained I am in toilet training right? So I connected that fact with Freud's and I believe they make good sense! According to Freud, children undergo the second stage of development, anal stage, between the ages of 18 months and 3 years old. So I believe that fixation, a phenomenon that occurs if a child fails to fully resolve a conflict at a particular stage of development and get stucked at that stage, may have happened to me. Regarding the anal stage. Freud added that if a child has a low degree of self-control in toilet training at this stage, he or she grows up to be a messy and sloppy person. In contrast, a child who has too much self-control in toilet training will grow up into an overly neat and rigid person. And that is pretty much what I am and I was fully toilet trained by the time I even hit this anal stage! Ask any of my friends here and they'll agree with me and they haven't even know me for that long! Lol!

But I guess I am a weird kid or something. And VERY NAUGHTY. Lol. Here are some facts about me when I was way younger:

1. I never crawled. I started to walk when I was 9 months.
2. When I reached the age of 1, I became a devil. I would wake up around 2a.m. everyday and demanded that my mum would too. And what do I do? I play with my toys until 5a.m.. I just simply refused to sleep or allow my mum to sleep. And I didn't want my dad as my companion too. This lasted for 2 months. Sorry, ma.
3. As I said earlier, by the time I hit 15 months, I was fully toilet trained.
4. Some of my early words: adile (crocodile), ebra (zebra) and epent (elephant). This was when I was 3 and my dad took me to the zoo.

Well, enough about my childhood and Freud.

My second class of the day was 'fisherman/carpenter's' class, Statistics. One word. BORING!!! I listened to music while he was yakking nonstop. And texted CraBp when she was only behind me. It's free for us to text one another. So we were just making good use of it while killing time. Lol.

Next, I had a quiz in Islamic Psychology. Nothing much to say about it.

Then my friends and I went for our first French class! We also found out that we missed the first class. Stupid clerk gave us wrong info last week. But it's ok. We learnt numbers, days and months today and will be having our first quiz next week. Pretty fun but it is kinda hard at the same time. But Rome wasn't conquered in a day and so will I in mastering French!

And oh yeah. I also voted today. God knows who won though. As long as I've fulfilled my responsibility, that is fine by me.

So that is pretty much the end of my productive day. Right now, I am gonna finish my paper on 'Ways to Reduce Anxiety' which dues next Monday. Will probably require an hour or 2 on that and then I am gonna practice some French before calling it a night. :)


♥ÐÅyÐяєÅмє®♥ said...

I never thot anybody wud curse the teacher for not taking the class

Natalia said...

Well, I wouldn't actually. In common cases at least. But to have 5 classes in a row cancelled is too much.