Friday, January 16, 2009

To Ting Ma Lee

First of all, I have been meaning to have a picture of the person I have named above uploaded in this post but my internet is failing me. But anyway, to Miss Ting Ma Lee..

happy birthday Pictures, Images and Photos

Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you,
You look like a tortoise..
And you walk like one too!

Just kidding alright? Lol

Anyway, you are a year older today! Lol. Although I am just 7 months away. Lol. But it is still SEVEN MONTHS. Or 212 DAYS. Or 5,088 HOURS. Or 305,280 MINUTES. Or.. 18,316,900 SECONDS. Lol!

Anyway, on this day, I wish you all the very best in life and have a good one!

Oh yeah.. Try to slow down on the Coke intake alright? Don't want you falling ill someday. Lol!

P/S: For tomorrow, I have an awesome post about one of my friends here. It is something to look forward to. So wait up for that. Or if I get over-excited, I might just post it up later. Lol.


CRABp said...

Nice picture! U too free ah? calculate till like that :S

Natalia said...

Thanks. Yeah. Since Yeti woke me up that EARLY, I had a longer morning to waste on calculating how much younger I am compared to Ma Lee. And I know you are way younger. Don't have to remind me. :p