Thursday, April 23, 2009

Damage Control??

Upon knowing that I only got 59/80 for my Ethnic Relations carry marks, I knew that it would be a damage control subject as even getting a prefect 20 wouldn't even give me an A and lets face it, it is impossible for me to get a perfect score. Not that I am stupid but who does for boring, boring Ethnic Relations? Lol. Anyway, I sat for the paper a while ago and besides a very long winded invigilator and a pretty confusing paper, I guess it was ok. I needed at least 32 right to get an A- but I am not sure if I did enough. Well, I will just pray. Lol. Next paper is Developmental Psychology (Saturday) and thankfully I haven't gone mental studying that. I had to study a whole 600 plus pages book for that subject since the bloody no brains lecturers decided to include all 19 chapters for the finals. Really no brains lecturers or maybe cow brains. Anyway, just 7 more days to go!


CRABp said...

Bloody ethnic...hoping for miracle to happen now. =(

Natalia said...

Yup. It sure is. I shall pray hard for the miracle. Looks bleak though.=(

Ryan said...

-Sigh- Poor girls, you 2 are. Hopefully that miracle arrives for the both of you.