Sunday, April 26, 2009

My One Hell Of A Lazy Roommate

She is able to wake up at 7.30a.m. to go to the library and she wouldn't be discreet about it. She NEVER fails to wake me up when she does. If the slamming of the door do not work, her stupid boyfriend has to call (he called at 12.30a.m. this morning) or she has to stir her cup of whatever-funny-smelling-thing-she-drinks as if she wants to puncture the cup with her spoon. GREAT, ain't she?

So why is she lazy? At the beginning of our first semester, it was a done deal that I sweep and she mops. But she missed her duty MANY times. And this semester alone, she skipped so many times and I only asked her to mop ONCE A WEEK! Is that too much to ask? Freaking lazy ass! This month alone, she hasn't even touch the damn mop! 3 weeks ago, I can't remember what took place, but she didn't mop. The past 2 Sundays, she was back in her hometown and I mopped for her. Last night, I swept at 11.30p.m. and asked her to mop before she leaves today and she just didn't! (I am controlling myself from using "prettier" words now.) How can she forgets when the mop and the pail are just right in front of her eyes?! Bl**dy hell!

Anyway, I am gonna go mop the floor now in an angry mood. And I really feel like throwing the water I will use to mop later on her bed. But I shall not lower myself to her level. I think I am better than that. Wait. Of course I am. Lol. But there is one thing I would really love to do. I would really like to throw her phone out of the room when it rings in the middle of the night. Can she just be more f***ing considerate? People need to sleep for Christ' sake!! And for this reason alone, though, I am thankful that the semester is coming to an end and that next year, I am living nowhere near this freaking bl**dy hell ass.

Oh yeah. When I am sweeping the floor, by the way, she never fails to dust her side of the room. And the way she dusts is like she wants to beat the hell out of her table and bed and then she would make me sneeze for the whole day. And it even hurt my eyes. No brains, roommate.

In addition, I have a fridge here in my room and of course, we have to pay for using it. My stupid roommate and I shared for it and she knows how to fill it up. But when it comes to cleaning the fridge, she never bothers to even offer help. What do I expect at this point right? And the funniest thing is that, Soo Chen, Foon Yee and Ma Lee and maybe 'darling' (I forgot if she did) have all volunteered to help me before and they don't even use it. The clear difference between people with heart and without one. And maybe I should "iced" her one day. Lol.

Oh yeah. I am so happy and proud of myself that I did not bother telling her that we had to read the book and not just the slides for our Developmental Psychology. The lecturer first said it would be suffice to just read the slides but if you really have the brains in the first place, you would know it will not be. The slides are just too simple. Out of laziness to read the book though, I double-checked with the lecturer and she said, "Who said the slides would be enough? I didn't." She did but I guess it must have slipped her mind. But it is TOTALLY alright. 'Cause I did and my dinosaurs did and the paper didn't really slay us but it did killed my roommate. And she can fail it for all I care. But I am not saying that I would do well 'cause the paper was indeed tough. Lol.

-Sigh- I have said it before and I am saying it again. This roommate of mine is not stupid or ignorant alright. But she is definately a f***ing jerk. And lazy and untidy. VERY. -Argh!!!-

P/S: Readers, feel free to curse all you want in your comments. I wouldn't mind at all. :) Well, as long as you know which way to curse of course. Lol!


Ryan said...

Well, Nat, you know I would really love to curse on here and I am really capable of doing it. But I think it would be too much for your blog to handle. Lol! But I must say that your roommate is a b***h. Sorry. But she just is. :) And yeah, 'f-ing' too. Lol!

Ryan said...

Wow. Fail her paper huh? I always knew you had some evilness in you. Haha

Natalia said...

Yeah. I know you are way more than just capable of cursing. Lol. Hey. Do not apologise. She is. Really is one. A bl**dy hell one too. And yeah. She said it herself that she would fail because she really "tembak" 35 questions and the other 25, there are many that she is uncertain of. And she was obssessing over her answers yesterday. She was checking and checking and each time her answer differs from mine, she got more sad. And I naturally got more happy! And I know I am evil. I have a "lecturer" in evilness too.

CRABp said...

LECTURER in evilness is here...MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA! she really cannot do the paper meh? I have a strange feeling that she may fake all that up ... =S But we'll see when the results are out.

Natalia said...

Lol. I don't know. She said she really couldn't it but yeah. I have that feeling also. We'll see la. She might get all A's again. Lol. But 'darling', once again, you have the same thought as me.

CRABp said...

yeah, she can easily say that she cant do the paper but still end up with all As.. freaky... HAHA! Hey evil dude...I have the same thought with ur darling again! =P