Sunday, April 26, 2009

Dependant Personality Disorder

After tonight, I am an expert of personality disorders. Lol. I have been studying about 10 disorders for hours and hours, trying to get all the details into my thick numb skull. But anyway, referring to the title to this post, I would like to quote a few sentences from my textbook, explaining on the disorder.

"..tends to seek advice about even minor decisions, such as..and what entree to order at a restaurant."

"They may demonstrate how inept they are, so as to trick others into assisting them. They may even avoid becoming proficient at a task, so as to keep others from seeing that they are competent to work by themselves."

All of these sounds EXTREMELY FAMILIAR to me. Lol. Wonder if it makes sense to any of my friends. Lol.

Anyway, the good news is " giving over responsibilty and depending on other people, dependent persons may never discover that they can take care of themselves." That is the paradox of having this dependent personality disorder. What a loser.


CRABp said...

AGREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol...

CRABp said...

soochen ask u to post more types of disorders and relate them to people we know. haha.

Natalia said...

Wow. I knew you couldn't wait to agree. Lol. But I do hope we are agreeing on the same fellow! Lol. Anyway, sure, 'darling'. I will get to that. But the problem is, can you actually tell me what other personality disorders relate to people we know? 'Cause that is the only one I could relate a person with. I am pretty much clueless on the rest. And it amazed me that I couldn't think of more connections. -Sigh-

CRABp said...

dunno...i didnt manage to relate anyone i know..only my roommate said that she could relate them to people she know. =S

Natalia said...

Neither did I and I know she did. she was telling me how remember all the details by relating them to others.