Thursday, April 02, 2009

A Post For Coffee Lovers

'Darling', you will probably love this one because I do too. Lol.

Anyway, have you always wondered which coffee beverage that you buy from Starbucks or Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf will keep you awake or just make you go hyper? Well, look no further because I have the answers.

Espresso Shot: 75 mg per ounce
Coffee: 21.67 mg per ounce
Americano: 14.06 mg per ounce
Caramel Macchiato: 9.38 mg per ounce
Cappuccino: 9.38 mg per ounce
Latte: 9.38 mg per ounce
Tazo Chai Tea Latte: 6.35 mg per ounce
Decaf Coffee: 1.6 mg per ounce
Hot Chocolate: 1.6 mg per ounce

Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf:
Regular Ice Blended: 9.17 mg per ounce

Regular Coffee: 9.08 mg per ounce

Dunkin' Donuts:
Regular Coffee: 8.94 mg per ounce
Iced Coffee: 4.34 mg per ounce
Hot Chocolate: 0.7 mg per ounce

So the next time you decide to spent big bucks at either of these cafeterias in order to burn the midnight oil, you know exactly what will give you a kick!


CRABp said...

no wonder i felt more awake after having starbucks than having coffeebean...

Natalia said...

LOL! Well, now you know that there ain't much caffeine in Cofee Bean drinks after all. Not even The Ultimate. Or should I say The "Ultimate"? Lol. But I still prefer Cofee Bean on any given day. :)