Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I Don't Draw Tigers

It's true. I don't because I can't. And if you are wondering why I even brought this subject up, it is because my French quiz yesterday required me to draw a TIGER. How the hell am I suppose to draw a TIGER? Anyway, because I desperately need every single quiz marks, assignments and so on before heading for my finals, I drew it. So did my friends (who weren't really artists as well expect 'darling' maybe). Lol.

Below here is a tiger that looks a lot like a cat. The artist: Lim Siau Hui or Sampat.

Below here is 'darling's tiger. She said it is a hybrid tiger. A friend of mine thinks it is a zebra though.

And this one is a tiger who has a tiger's head but not a tiger's body. Artist: Perng Soo Chen or ADHD.

Lastly, my tiger. CUTE tiger says 'darling'. Very CUTE tiger. But all I can do when I see this tiger is laugh my head off. I was laughing mad during my quiz because of it and it still makes me laugh. And so did PJ when I showed her in english class. -Sigh-

What can I say? I don't draw tigers and neither do my friends apparently. LOL!


CRABp said...

really very cute ba ur tiger! XD

Natalia said...

Thanks, 'darling'