Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Sickening Note-Making And STUPID Lecturer

If I could use foul language here without getting a call from my mum after she reads it, this post will never be suitable for kids. 'Cause I was just that mad when my stupid (the best word I could use to stay away from foul language) lecturer kept making us change our stupid note-makings. ARGH!! I spent HOURS on that and if all my other lecturers were as stupid as her, my classmates and I wouldn't have to sleep anymore whenever we were given an assignment. She is just that stupid.

This was my first draft.

This one is the second and was suppose to be the final one is if was good enough for that jack-ass.

This one was the the final one until that jack-ass "Godzilla" complained that it was still not good enough. (Controlling myself from using "better" words.)

And this one is the best I will ever do for this stupid assignment. If she doesn't like it, I wish I could just crush it, throw it at her and leave the class.

Thankfully she accepted it though. Just got back from class. Was cursing her the whole way in class. No wonder I can be champion in the World Complaining and Nagging Championship. -Sigh- But for now, I am off to bed. Gotta keep my sleeping record above 50%. Lol

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